
Project “Between the lines”
The project “Between the lines” intends to carry out training activities for secondary school teachers in Reading Literacy as a key element of lifelong learning, for the achievement of personal goals, the development of knowledge and the potential of individual with the aim of allowing the latter to play an active role in society (PISA OECD, 2015).
The project intends to contrast the data emerging from the 2015 PISA survey, which shows a deficit in the reading of young Italians by 8 points compared to the OECD average, producing a relapse on 11-14 year olds, in the delicate transition from pre-adolescence to ‘adolescence.
More in detail, the goal of the initiative is to:
1) to teach teachers skills and methodologies to facilitate, integrating them with the subject matters, the fundamental ability of students to understand, interpret, evaluate a text by activating appropriate reflection processes;
2) accompany the children towards a conscious adulthood, aiming at a habit of reading in terms of recovering the gap and / or improving the comprehension and interpretation of the text, rewriting and reading aloud;
3) use and make available in the course of the project activities the books included in the proposed bibliography (reinforcement of school curricula).
4) create and involve virtuous networks (schools, libraries, libraries, cultural institutes, associations, etc) capable of sensitizing the territory through continuous proposals for reading and literature. In particular, during the project initiative, it is planned to create a program of seminary titled I Luoghi delle parole realized in the offices of the partners and other realities of the territory, to create sharing, comparison and reflection also through moments of reading aloud on the chosen text.
Through the Training program, we intend to support the school in teaching civic education, transforming the subject into an opportunity to strengthen skills in order to understand, interpret, evaluate and reflect written texts in order to develop knowledge and to play an active role in society. Reading literacy, in fact, does not represent an ability that is acquired only in childhood, but a set of knowledge, skills and strategies in continuous evolution, which individuals develop in the course of life, through interactions with peers and larger groups to which they belong.
The training activity will have a duration of 40 hours divided as follows: in 30 hours of lectures and / or video lessons divided into 2 macro-areas and 10 hours of laboratories of experimentation in the classes of what teachers have learned. Participants will be issued a certificate of attendance valid for the training of the teaching staff of the school.
Progetto realizzato con il finanziamento del Centro per il libro e la lettura
Seminars programme I luoghi delle parole