
No more wars – Atelier “Memory gate: La porta della memoria”, Cassino
Atelier “Memory gate: La porta della memoria”, Cassino (FR)
Co-financed by the European Union of the FESR Lazio 2014-2020
Applicant: Luigi Sturzo Institute
The aim of the project is to create an integrated system of development and supply of products and services to enhance places and memories of the Cassino area and of the other municipalities of “The Great Path of Memory”. The innovative enhancement model has its centerpiece in a multimedia journey – installed in the spaces provided for in the notice at the Cassino Atelier – capable of making visitors experience an experience that can be described as a journey into memory, whose narrative form is made of images and sounds that transform the countless stories and testimonies of the events that occurred during the Second World War into a story. The multimedia installation will therefore be able to offer strong suggestions to the visitor who, alongside the Historial, will be able to immerse themselves in a historical re-enactment of great emotional impact.
The project represents an innovative method of using multimedia technologies for the use of cultural content, whose strength lies in being of strong emotional impact, which cannot be used in the same ways in a context different from that in which it is installed.
In fact, the use of high definition projectors, the play of lights, the harmonic distribution of the audio systems, are elements that together will make the unique experience not available again with the same effectiveness on social networks or other communication channels.
The project represents an innovative method of using multimedia technologies for the use of cultural content, whose strength lies in being of strong emotional impact, which cannot be used in the same ways in a context different from that in which it is installed.
In fact, the use of high definition projectors, the play of lights, the harmonic distribution of the audio systems, are elements that together will make the unique experience not available again with the same effectiveness on social networks or other communication channels.
Digital memorization and storytelling, made usable through multimedia technologies, represent, for the purposes of the investment, the main tool, together with a significant promotional activity, to attract large and diverse audiences. Alongside the use, tourist services will be offered, including thematic itineraries, which will physically lead the visitor through the historical places.
To maximize the attractive force, the storytelling subjects (i.e. what will be told through digital tools) will be chosen in a functional way according to the thematic paths decided on the basis of the various opportunities that will be created (anniversaries, particular places, memories of the survivors, etc.).
Local professionals will be involved in the construction of the routes and services, who will be asked to collaborate with the Sturzo Institute for the creation of an integrated proposal, to be addressed to the target audience.
The experience of the Sturzo Institute in the archival and bibliographic field, in the historiographic research and in the public-private management of cultural enhancement activities (see the SAC projects – Environmental and Cultural Systems – of the Puglia Region) represent a guarantee in terms of scientific rigor integrated content processing with relevant expertise in the management of advanced cultural systems.
Once fully operational, therefore, the construction of a production chain of professionals, micro-enterprises and businesses is expected, from the creation of ad hoc digital stories, to the sale of gadgets (the production of which will be entrusted to local artisans), passing through the supply of tourist guide services, reception, catering etc.
The pricing strategies that will be pursued will be based on covering all production costs plus a small margin that more than ensuring a profit (remember that Sturzo does not have among its purposes to achieve a profit) will serve to cover any unexpected costs .
The Atelier – a pavilion independent of the Museo Historiale – of about 180 m², is well suited for the realization of the multimedia installation which, physically adjacent to the Historiale, will become a natural appendix. In this sense, pricing strategies will encourage the visit of both companies.
The work program will be coordinated with the managers of “the Great Path of Memory” (a circuit that brings together 36 Municipalities of the martyrology belonging to the Committee for the celebrations of the Battle of Cassino, all historically identified in relation to the events of the Second World War) creating a system of thematic itineraries with continuous historical references to the war events of the Second World War.
Objectives of the intervention
The project aims to create an integrated system of development and supply of products and services to enhance places and memories of the Cassino territory and of the other municipalities of “The Great Path of Memory”. The use of immersive technologies will act as an attractor for places, objects and people to which offers of services and products can be associated. Therefore implementing the existing offer and improving the attraction of the area.
The services that will be offered will be multiple and will concern:
∞ the use of cultural heritage,
Artigianale artisan production and marketing of gadgets,
∞ the production of guides and digital products,
∞ guided tours,
∞ the opening of a book-shop,
∞ online booking and ticketing.
The entrepreneurial strategy is based on an innovative valorisation model which identifies the territory valorisation tool in storytelling. The subjects of the stories will be chosen in a functional way to the thematic paths and these in turn will be decided on the basis of the various opportunities that will be created.
The enhancement will therefore take place through the digital storytelling of events of the Second World War, in a system of interrelationships that give rise to a great journey of memory around which activities and promotional events related to the cultural specificity of each individual municipality may arise. In particular, Cassino with its Abbey and military shrines (Polish, German, and English Commonwealth), but also related municipalities such as Mignano Montelungo, with its Italian shrine and San Pietro. Finally with the establishment of the Parco della Memoria, Ausonia with its demo-anthropological museum set up in the medieval castle, Pontecorvo with the Monte Leuci war museum, etc. All places that are references of excellence of a historical-cultural tourism.
The perspective is therefore that of the unique cultural system, capable of expressing its attractive potential thanks to narration.
The project is proposed as a meeting point between supply and demand for the tourism sector which in recent years has been recording important growth trends, historical tourism or “memory”. For this reason the cultural proposal is addressed to a local, national and international demand.
Together they are recipients sensitive to historical content and information because they are strongly motivated by the desire to reappropriate a historical event with strong emotional characteristics. A complex of extremely varied individuals, driven by contiguous but non-coincident interests. Shared by a high degree of awareness and knowledge about their interests.
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