
Archive of social generativity
The research project Archive of social generativity, born in 2010 from the collaboration between the Sturzo Institute and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, aims to identify and give voice to those realities of our country that, despite the difficult historical moment, succeed yet to produce value, be it economic, social, cultural. Within the research the project has put in a network and made the many creative realities of value and diffused dialogue in our country. The Generativita website, has allowed the dissemination of exemplary narratives of generativity capable of contributing to a recovery of contemporary Italy. The empirical research conducted to date has allowed us to identify with ever greater precision the notion of social generativity and to take another step forward, starting a new phase of the project that aims to address the methodological challenge of measuring social generativity, so as to have some criteria to better identify the realities of social generativity and transform the concept into a guide for the action. On December 2nd, 2017 the event “The III generative day was organized in Milan to present the new stories present in the Archive.