
“Aldo Moro nella storia della Repubblica” by N. Antonetti, the new book of the Institute
The purpose of the book is to broaden the knowledge on the governmental activity carried out by Aldo Moro and to renew the public image that he has, often incompletely, constructed. In these pages are then recomposed the multiple political commitments of his life, tragically broken by the terrorist madness, turning right attention to its rich spirituality. Moro was the “man of possibility”, who cleverly explored the direction of the profound currents of society, not just Italian, and, as far as possible, tried to channel them within the democratic evolution of the country. The set of essays proposed here is therefore a precious tool, with the awareness that it is not easy, due to the density of its cultural and political reflection and the different experiences that make up its life, to examine the work of a politician of the caliber by Aldo Moro, whose identity, among other things, is hardly homologable to that of the ruling class of his time.