
Civitas. Forum for archives and research on Christian Democracy

Since 2012 the Institute participates in an international network of institutes, archives, universities, research groups and researchers, active in the field of research and conservation of archives for the history of the Christian democratic movement in Europe and in the world, with particular reference to the second half of the twentieth century.

The networks are currently made up of the following institutions:

– Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Germany)

– KADOC-KU Leuven, (Documentation and Research Center for Religion, Culture and Society, Leuven, Belgium)

– Karl von Vogelsang Institute (Austria)

– Katholiek Documentatie Centrum Nijmegen (Netherlands)

– Archive for the history of the Catholic social movement in Italy “M. Romani” (Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of higher studies) (Italy).


The project has the following general objectives:

– carry out initiatives: research projects, conferences, workshops, scholarships;

– bring together researchers and institutions in joint projects at European level;

– to stimulate studies and shared practices, in the field of digital heritage, on the issues of conservation, digitalisation and construction of shared databases.


For more info