
Two new books on “Popularism” of Luigi Sturzo Institute
On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the foundation of the Italian People’s Party and the 60th anniversary of the death of Luigi Sturzo, Sturzo Institute publishes two new volumes to promote reflection programs able to actualize popularism as a political culture and for valorization the figure and the work of the Sicilian priest.
A historical essay – edited by Nicola Antonetti – on the political contents related to the unpublished preparatory documents of the “Appello a tutti gli uomini liberi e forti”, the Program and the Statute, kept at the Luigi Sturzo Institute Archives, with a collection of biographical profiles of the signatories of the appeal.
Resumes the activities of the historical and prestigious magazine “Civitas” with the Quaderno number zero dedicated to a reflection on the news of popularization. The book will soon be followed by other volumes focusing on the salient issues of contemporary life.