
The new Pact on Migration and Asylum – How can we succeed?
On 23 March the new project of the Luigi Sturzo Institute was launched, promoted in collaboration with the Brussels office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, with the aim of promoting and facilitating a political dialogue on the main issues of discussion of the Pact on migration and asylum, proposed by the European Commission in September 2020 and currently under negotiation.
Also in view of the Conference on the Future of the EU, Istituto Luigi Sturzo and the Brussels Office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation are promoting an online policy dialogue series to provide an opportunity to promote and facilitate political dialogue among relevant political actors on questions related to the new pact of migration and asylum. Political and institutional representatives, and experts, have the opportunity to enhance the exchange of information on current developments, positions and challenges on national and European level, in closed-door sessions, on the following three issues:
- The Core Principles of the New Pact: Balance between Responsibility and Solidarity;
- The internal Dimension: Harmonisation and Interaction;
- The external Dimension: Focus on countries of transit and origin
First meeting “The Core Principles: Balance between Responsibility and Solidarity
- Markus FERBER, MEP, Chairman of the Hanns Seidel Foundation; Coordinator of the EPP Group in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
- Prof. Nicola ANTONETTI, President of the Luigi Sturzo Institute
Introductory statements:
- Jeroen LENAERS, MEP, Coordinator EPP-group, LIBE committee, European Parliament
- Nina GREGORI, Executive Director, European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- Natasha BERTAUD, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Vice-President Schinas, European Commission
- Vincenzo CELESTE, Director general for EU, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chair: Dr. Loredana TEODORESCU, Head of EU and International Affairs, Luigi Sturzo Institute