
The inventory of the “Personal Correspondence 1946-1959” series of the Luigi Sturzo Fund has been completed
In the context of the archival work in progress on the Luigi Sturzo collection, the Historical Archive concluded the work of inventorying the “Personal Correspondence 1946-1959” series relating to the years since Sturzo’s return from exile to his death.
These are about 4,500 documents described analytically and divided into 72 files, for a total of 2,080 interlocutors who testify a part of the intense correspondence exchanged by Sturzo even in the last phase of his life.
Frist lettere received from Luigi Sturzo just returned to Italy, September 10th 1946, in Fondo L. Sturzo, part IV, Personal Correspondence, sc. 1, fasc. 1
The inventory was prepared in computerized and printed version, and offers an analytical description of the content of the individual files, with the detailed indication of all the correspondence produced by Sturzo, of all that he received and of each sender.
To facilitate the search, 47 pages of onomastic and toponymic indexes were also compiled, as well as a specific list of the 200 bodies mentioned.
The documentation, together with the paper inventory, is available for on-site consultation by anyone who wants to request it.