
The inventory of the “Correspondence for articles 1946-1959” series of Luigi Sturzo Fund has been completed
In the context of the archival work in progress at the bottom of Luigi Sturzo, the Historical Archive concluded the analytical inventory of another series of the correspondence of the years from the return of Sturzo from exile to death, called “Correspondence for articles 1946- 1959 “.
These are about 7,000 documents, divided into 53 files and stored in 11 boxes.
This part of the correspondence testifies to the intense publicity activity of Sturzo after his return to Italy. But above all it testifies the echo and the polemics that his articles aroused giving life to this nourished and variegata correspondence with every sort of humanity and to which Sturzo waited every day with scrupulous engagement.
There are the names of intellectuals of different status and roles, of publishing figures and directors of publications, such as Rodolfo Arata, director of Il Popolo and Luigi de Secly, director of La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, politicians and managers, old and new friends, even of so many simple people and of many loyal readers of the articles that almost daily he published in the “Giornale d’Italia”.
As usual, the inventory was drawn up both in computerized and printed versions, and offers an analytical description of the contents of the individual files, with the detailed indication of all the correspondence produced by Sturzo, of all that he received and of each sender.
Furthermore, to facilitate the search, 70 pages of onomastic, toponymic and institutional indexes have been compiled.
This inventory follows and completes the inventory of the “Personal Correspondence” of the years 1946-1959, published last May, for a total of about 4,500 other documents.
The documentation, together with the paper inventory, is available for on-site consultation by anyone who wants to request it.