
The Historical Archive continues the work on the Luigi Sturzo Fund in the years after returning from exile
The Historical Archive is continuing the work in progress on Luigi Sturzo’s collection relating to the fourth Part of the Correspondence Section relating to the years from his return from exile to Sturzo’s death.
In particular, over the last year the following interventions were carried out for a total of 68 processed series, equal to 2,000 files, contained in 449 folders and 2,869 records inserted in the database.
– 1st Department: sorting, conditioning, computerized filing on xDams software and paper inventory of the following 35 archival series were implemented, for a total of over 51,300 documents, preserved in 1,098 files for a total of 280 folders and 1,098 new records inserted: Democrazia Cristiana, Lavori pubblici, Internazionale Dc, Azione Cattolica Italiana, Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali; Pro Deo; Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani, Costituzione e sindacati, Trattati di Pace e sindacati, Esteri, Interno, Culto e Concordato, Alimentazione, Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio, Lavoro, Pubblica istruzione, Finanze e Tesoro, Difesa, Marina mercantile, Colonie, Turismo, Cooperazione, Emigrazione, Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata, Rapporti con l'America (Stati Uniti), Amministrazione Aiuti Internazionali – ex Unrra Casas, Ente Nazionale per la Distribuzione dei Soccorsi in Italia, Pacchi dalla 6 alla 39; America, Europa, Giustizia, Igiene e sanità, Aviazione – Linee aeree, Poste e telecomunicazioni, Ferrovie e trasporti, Russia.
– 2nd Department: sorting, conditioning, computerized filing on xDams software and paper inventory of the following 32 archival series were implemented, for a total of over 15,000 documents, preserved in 264 files equal to 46 folders and 1,132 new records inserted in the database: Costituzione e problemi delle regioni, Questioni meridionali Mezzogiorno, Regione Lucania, Sardegna, Palermo, Napoli, Roma, Partiti, Cinematografia, Associazioni e Comuni, Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite, Assemblea Costituente Mondiale, Trieste e Istria, Valle d’Aosta, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Unesco, Profughi Tunisia, Profughi Tripoli, Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Liguria, Caltanisetta, Agrigento, Frosinone, Avellino, Messina, Catania, Campobasso, Trapani, Caltagirone.
– An update of the Sicily Series was carried out, which is part of the 3rd Department, for a total of over 29,000 documents, preserved in 638 files equal to 123 folders and 639 records. The intervention involved in particular the reconditioning of the files and storage boxes, the updating of the computerized filing and the paper inventory.