
Debate “Time for a new European pact on migration?”
The Luigi Sturzo Institute organizes the round table Time for a new European pact on migration? in the context of the annual Net @ Work event promoted by the Wilfried Martens Center, in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and the Political Academy of the Austrian People’s Party.
Despite a general decrease in the number of irregular migrants entering Europe, migration still remains a pressing issue for the EU and has become
highly politicised and divisive. Tensions between member states have increased in the last months, after Italy’s decision to partially close its ports.
While crises over disembarkation of rescued passengers have been solved on a case-by-case basis and an overall reform of the Dublin system is stalled,
the inability of the EU to provide an answer might lead to an incapacity to cope with future challenges and, in the end, cause a return to nationalistic
approaches, thereby further destabilising the unity within the EU.
Ursula von der Leyen already promised a ‘fresh start on migration’ and a group of willing member states are making attempts to find an agreement. Will the new European legislature be able to give a new course to a truly European migration policy? How do we overcome the divisions between member states? Is it possible to find a common response at the European level?
Moderator: Loredana Teodorescu – Head of EU and International Affairs, Luigi Sturzo Institute
Kick-off speaker: Maurizio Massari – Italian permanent Representative to the EU
Panel Speakers: Hanne Beirens – Director, Migration Policy Institute Europe; Christian Kremer – Deputy Secretary General, EPP
Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels
16 October 2019 – h. 11.00 am