
Round table “Ai liberi e forti: un secolo dopo”
On the evening of 18 January 1919, the appeal to all free and strong men was spread from the Santa Chiara Hotel in Rome, with the annexed 12-point program of the Italian Popular Party [PPI]. The project of Luigi Sturzo, founder of the party, and the prospect of popularism were not only those to open the doors of the State to Catholics, through a reform in a democratic and participatory sense, but, more broadly, to inaugurate an unprecedented and common commitment of all political forces to enlarge democratic participation in the country.
To celebrate that particular event, Thursday 17 January 2019 h. 10.30, in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the Luigi Sturzo Institute organizes the Round Table “Ai Liberi e Forti a century later”“. The Initiative is part of the program of events that the Institute is carrying out in the course of 2018-2020 to promote paths of historical reflection capable of updating popularism as a political culture and for enhancing the figure and work of the Sicilian priest ( 2018 Budget Law art.1 paragraph 334).