
Project “No more wars” Atelier “Memory gate: La porta della memoria”, Cassino
Co-financed by the European Union of Lazio FESR 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to create an integrated system of development and supply of products and services to enhance places and memories of the Cassino area and of the other municipalities of “The Great Path of Memory”. The innovative enhancement model has its centerpiece in a multimedia journey – installed in the spaces provided for in the notice at the Cassino Atelier – capable of making visitors experience an experience that can be described as a journey into memory, whose narrative form is made of images and sounds that transform the countless stories and testimonies of the events that occurred during the Second World War into a story. The multimedia installation will therefore be able to offer strong suggestions to the visitor who, alongside the Historial, will be able to immerse themselves in a historical re-enactment of great emotional impact.
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