
Online the 2020 Call of the Civil Service for the enhancement of cultural heritage projects
The future of memory: digital library between conservation and technological innovation is the title of the project of the Luigi Sturzo Institute and of the Basso Foundation banned for 2019 by the Civil Service with the aim of enhancing the documentary and book heritage of the two cultural institutions .
The project will allow the 4 volunteers selected, also through the use of digital technologies, to have a training and work experience in the field of preservation and enhancement of archival heritage and libraries of fundamental importance for the reconstruction of the history of the 1900s.
After a first phase of training, the project involves the involvement of volunteers in the following activities:
- computerized description of the archival documentation
- cataloging of volumes and counting of periodicals with a job aimed at building a database with electronic indexing
- computerized cataloging of microfilms and microfiches
- digital acquisition of bibliographic and documentary material and treatment for digital storage, consultation and publication on the web
implementation of information resources on the network,
2 young people will carry out the activities at the Sturzo Institute, in via delle Coppelle 35, and 2 at the Basso Foundation, in via della Dogana Vecchia 5, within their respective archives, libraries and digital laboratories.
The application form must be sent to the Civil Service by February 15th, 2021 at 2.00 pm
Project The future of memory: digital library between conservation and technological innovation