“Dal cattolicesimo democratico al nuovo popolarismo” by Lino Prenna
08 June 2021
July 5th 2018 h. 17.00 was held at the Institute, the Press Conference Luigi Sturzo and popularism for the presentation of initiatives that the Institute intends to carry out during 2018-2020 aimed at enhancing the figure and work of the Sicilian priest and the dissemination, promotion and memory of the ideas and work of the popular party he founded (Budget Law 2018 art.1 paragraph 334).
Speakers: Prof. Nicola Antonetti (President of Luigi Sturzo Institute) and Prof Francesco Malgeri (Chairman of the Scientific Committee “Celebrations Luigi Sturzo and Italian Popular Party”)
For press accreditation: Dott. Luigi Giorgi popolarismo@sturzo-old.areaitalia.com and Dott.ssa Barbara Tieri b.tieri@sturzo-old.areaitalia.com-066840421