
Key competences and “digital curricular story”: the themes of the new European projects of Sturzo Institute

Two new European projects will involve Luigi Sturzo Institute, starting next autumn, following the funding approved under the European Erasmus Plus program.

Art-Connection, coordinated by the French association Apapp-Association pour the promotion of the APP label (Atelier de Pédagogie Personnalisée) and realized in partnership with the Portuguese association CAI-Conversas Associação Internacional and the English University of Loughborough, is focused on development , validation and certification of transversal cultural competences.

The project represents a further development of the Eure project. K – Valider et certifier les compétences-clés européennes, to which the Institute participated during 2016 – 2018, and provides for the involvement of institutions and actors working in the field of employment and training at European level to define together possible national and regional strategies and policies in the sector and experiment with new models.


CErTiFY – Crisis and Employment: Tools and methodologies For Your Future coordinated by the English University of Loughborough – UK and implemented in partnership with VsI “Lyderystes ir verslo akademija – Lithuania, Research Paths Etraireia Ereynas – Greece, Atit Bvba- Belgium, Spes Gmbh – Austria, De Montfort University – UK, Siena Art Institute Onlus – Italy aims to test innovative digital tools to support adults who want to work in the cultural and creative sector in identifying and recognizing their transversal skills. smartphones to create digital “curricular” stories and an e-learning platform will be the products that will help adults to be more aware in promoting their professionalism.