
Inventories of the Historical Archive of Luigi Sturzo Institute are online
61 inventories are available for online consultation regarding the funds belonging to Luigi Sturzo, Giulio Andreotti, Antonino Anile, Gennaro Cassiani, Mario Cingolani, Angelina Cingolani Guidi, Maria Cocco, Maria De Unterrichter, Franca Falcucci, Francesco Luigi Ferrari, Guido Gonella, Luigi Granelli, Giovanni Gronchi, Franco Nobili, Sergio Paronetto, Giuseppe Rossini, Paolo Scandaletti, Mario Scelba, Pietro Scoppola, Giuseppe Spataro, Vittorino Veronese, Enrico Zuppi, in addition to the funds of the Christian Democracy, the parliamentary groups of the Christian Democracy and the Catholic Union Italian press. The inventories are published in full, which means that the user can access online all the available description levels, starting from the general description of the collection, passing through the series, up to the analytical description of the individual issues with the citation of the individual documents stored there. 14 inventories are published from the Giulio Andreotti Archive, of which the levels of description of the fonds, series, subseries and, in the case of Discourses and Writings, also of individual files and documents are made accessible online.