
16 April 2019
hours 10:00

Conference “Giulio Andreotti e l’Europa”

Aula Calasso - Faculty of Law, La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - Rome

La Sapienza University of Rome and Roma Sapienza Foundation organize a study day entitled “Giulio Andreotti and Europe”, dedicated to the role of Giulio Andreotti in European politics of the 80s and early 90s, promoted by the Committee for celebrations for the centenary of the birth of the Christian Democrat statesman.

The conference aims to examine the main themes of Andreotti’s European policy: from bilateral relations with Italy’s main partners, to the events of the European integration process, which includes the European Council of Milan, the Single European Act, the council European Parliament and the Maastricht Treaty, therefore the fundamental stages of the construction of the European Union and the Economic and Monetary Union.



The conference will also be the occasion for the presentation of the volume Giulio Andreotti and Europe, edited by F. Lefebvre D’Ovidio and L. Micheletta – Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2017 – which intends to offer a contribution to the knowledge of Andreotti’s activities in the field of foreign policy.

The book is the result of a research project focused on the analysis of documents preserved in the 120 binders of the Europa series of the Giulio Andreotti archive preserved at the Luigi Sturzo Institute.


For info:

Fondazione Roma Sapienza
T (+39) 06 4969 0363/0362