The clandestine “Il Popolo” (1943 – 1944)

The newspaper “Il Popolo”, wanted by Luigi Sturzo and founded and directed by Giuseppe Donati, began its publications in 1923 and until 1925 and represented the voices of democratic Catholics in the anti-fascist struggle.

Closed by Mussolini, the newspaper resumed clandestinely in Rome on 23 October 1943. Four pages, with ideas and a strong orientation on the Resistance and the Badoglio government, on the prospects for freedom of the country, once the tragic war in progress is over.

We browse the eight issues of the Roman newspaper, from October 1943 to May 1944, in clandestine edition, publishing the full version of the newspaper, whose entire collection is kept by the Library of the Institute.

The published numbers are accompanied by some chapters of the text by Giuseppe Sangiorgi and Carlo Danè “Il Romanzo del Popolo”, with insights on the history and on the authors, often hidden by pseudonyms to avoid German repression.

Conclude the digital narrtive: a Bibliography of the texts presents in the Library on German occupation and the Resistance in Rome and the newsreel n.4/1955 of SPES – Propaganda and Press Service of the Christian Democrats, Storia del giornale “Il Popolo” 

Carlo Dané – Giuseppe Sangiorgi, The novel of the “People”. History of a “dangerous newspaper”, Gangemi, Rome 2003.



Prefazione di Gabriele De Rosa Storia de “Il Popolo”

Capitolo 25  Torna “Il Popolo” nell’ora del “supremo dovere” 

Capitolo 26  Monarchia o Repubblica: “Intanto via questo Re”

Capitolo 27  Il saccheggio dello stato nel novembre del 43

Capitolo 28  Come si prepara il “dopo” in attesa della libertà

Capitolo 29 “La parola” di Demofilo per chiarire le “idee”

Capitolo 30 Quelle “idee” erroneamente attribuite a De Gasperi

Capitolo 31  Un appunto di Demofilo e tanti altri pseudomini 

Capitolo 32 Vullermin, un nome, una storia di tanta gioventù cattolica





Il Popolo, 23 ottobre 1943
Il Popolo 14 Novembre 1943
Il Popolo 28 Novembre 1943
Il Popolo 12 Dicembre 1943
Il Popolo 23 Gennaio 1944
Il Popolo 20 Febbraio 1944
Il Popolo 27 Marzo 1944
Il Popolo 18 maggio 1944