Publishing activity
Magazine “Civitas”
Founded in 1919 and directed by Filippo Meda, Guido Gonella and Paolo Emilio Taviani who left Civitas at the Luigi Sturzo Institute, convinced that they could thus ensure a new and further rebirth. The autonomy claimed by him then comes into this new project, represented by the agreement between the Institute itself and the Association for the promotion of democracy in Italy. Today the purpose of Civitas “continuity in consistency” is not easy in the current political and historical context of Italy and of the whole world. However, the hope that animates it is that it can coincide “with a new and more intense season of civil and moral rebirth of our country”.
Since 2013, the CIVITAS Magazine has been updated and expanded, inaugurating the “network” version. The year coincides with the development of many events that affect our country and the international community. The theme of a united Europe, its consolidation and the position of Italy in this fast-moving context that urgently requires more solid common rules for a true social and economic political unity of the continent.
CIVITAS, which has always been committed with rigor in the most troubled and complex times of our country, will continue in its more than ten-year mission to interpret, with optimism and confidence, the most positive offers of the times we live.